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nickf eb49dae954
8 months ago
.. test 8 months ago
basis_transcoder.js test 8 months ago
basis_transcoder.wasm test 8 months ago

Basis Universal GPU Texture Compression

Basis Universal is a "supercompressed" GPU texture and texture video compression system that outputs a highly compressed intermediate file format (.basis) that can be quickly transcoded to a wide variety of GPU texture compression formats.



Basis Universal texture data may be used in two different file formats: .basis and .ktx2, where ktx2 is a standardized wrapper around basis texture data.

For further documentation about the Basis compressor and transcoder, refer to the Basis GitHub repository.

The folder contains two files required for transcoding .basis or .ktx2 textures:

  • basis_transcoder.js — JavaScript wrapper for the WebAssembly transcoder.
  • basis_transcoder.wasm — WebAssembly transcoder.

Both are dependencies of KTX2Loader:

const ktx2Loader = new KTX2Loader();
ktx2Loader.setTranscoderPath( 'examples/jsm/libs/basis/' );
ktx2Loader.detectSupport( renderer );
ktx2Loader.load( 'diffuse.ktx2', function ( texture ) {

	const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { map: texture } );

}, function () {

	console.log( 'onProgress' );

}, function ( e ) {

	console.error( e );

} );


Apache License 2.0